Thursday, May 24, 2012


As I begin this newest addition to my blog library, it's tempting to just go straight into the files and transfer the ones I want.  It would be perhaps a bit mis-leading.  People might think I just now went on line and got all that information! 

Actually, I've been looking here and there for a few years now, when the urge strikes me and I have time. 

One thing that I've found incredibly interesting is that some of the dead end searches, and the sideways ones, have been VERY interesting. 

It's been a journey, and I still have MILES to go!

The thing about family is that no matter how far back you go, each and all of the generations have had SOME kind of historic setting.  History fascinates me.  The bits and pieces about my family that I can find through my research, when I put them together with the historic settings, kicks my imagination into overdrive and I feel as though I'm learning to know family members of long ago as real people. 

That's really sort of fun! 

I have bits and pieces in my DNA of all those people, so I figure I have probably inherited at least some of their traits, both good and not-so-good.  They are why I am ME.

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