Monday, July 9, 2012




Transcribed from volume I of Kansas: a cyclopedia of state history, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc. ... / with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence. Standard Pub. Co. Chicago : 1912. 3 v. in 4. : front., ill., ports.; 28 cm. Vols. I-II edited by Frank W. Blackmar. Transcribed May 2002 by Carolyn Ward.

Branson, Jacob, one of the early settlers of Douglas County, located at Hickory Point, about 10 miles south of Lawrence on the old Santa Fe road. It was a very beautiful tract of land, part heavy timber and the rest fertile prairie.

Many of the early settlers came from Indiana, some of the people who took claims returned to the east temporarily, some never returned. Missourians and others took up these abandoned claims and sometimes laid claim to others which were afterward resumed by the original settlers.

Jacob Branson, who was the leader of the free-state men in the locality, encouraged free-state men to settle at Hickory Point and the pro-slavery men endeavored to get as many men of their faction to settle there as they could. Most of the difficulties in Kansas during the territorial period arose over the question of slavery, but disputes about claims in many cases precipitated the quarrels. The antagonistic elements brought into daily conflict could not long remain without open rupture; one of the most serious occurrences of this kind took place at Hickory Point.

A man named Franklin Coleman was among the second claimants at Hickory Point and a dispute arose between him and Charles W. Dow, who had also settled on an unoccupied claim. Coleman was prominent in the neighborhood as a pro-slavery man, while Dow lived with Branson, the acknowledged leader of the free-state party in the Wakarusa district. Coleman trespassed on Dow's claim and was warned that he must stop.

The feeling between the two men was rapidly tending toward a crisis, when on the morning of Nov. 21, 1855, Dow met Coleman and some other pro-slavery men, among them Buckley and Hargus, at the blacksmith shop at Hickory Point. They denounced Dow and unfortunately Dow and Coleman met on the road going toward Dow's claim. Dow left Coleman at his claim and just after he passed up the road Coleman fired at him; the gun missed fire and Dow begged for mercy but Coleman shot him, and he died in the road.

Immediately Coleman started for Westport, Mo., to give himself up to the governor, but not finding him surrendered to Samuel J. Jones, the sheriff of Douglas County, who was a friend of the pro-slavery party.

After Dow's funeral the settlers of Hickory held a meeting, when resolutions of condolence were passed and a committee was appointed to take steps toward bringing the murderer to justice. At this meeting Branson advocated radical measures with regard to Coleman and his companions, Buckley and Hargus.

Sheriff Jones, in the meantime was on his way to Lecompton with his prisoner, but on the way was met by some of Coleman's neighbors. Buckley told of the threats made against him by Branson and the sheriff concluded to make another arrest.

A warrant was sworn out by Buckley who said that he feared for his life. Justice Cameron issued a peace warrant for the arrest of Branson. It seems that the pro-slavery party expected the free-state men would attempt to rescue Branson, but believed they would do so in Lawrence, after the prisoner was taken there, under which circumstances there would be an excellent excuse for assaulting that stronghold of the abolitionists.

Armed with this warrant and accompanied by Buckley and some fifteen pro-slavery men, Jones went to Branson's house on the evening of Nov. 26 and arested him. This posse had been met before they served the writ by S. P. Tappan of Lawrence, a free-state man, who learned of their mission, and immediately informed Branson's friends of the intended arrest; a young man who lived at Branson's also aroused the neighbors as soon as Jones and his party left.

The sheriff with the posse did not ride at once toward Lawrence, so that considerable time elapsed before they started north.

In the meantime the friends of Branson were aroused and planned his rescue. Phillips, in his Conquest of Kansas, says, "the intention was to have Branson rescued in Lawrence," but Tappan and the young man who had left Branson's had both been busy; about fourteen of the free-state men were gathered at Abbott's house near which the posse would have to pass on the way to Lawrence. They had gathered so quickly and Jones was so slow that for a time the party at Abbott's began to think they had taken a different road or gone to Lecompton, when the alarm was given by the guard on the road.

The party in the Abbott house rushed out and Jones attempted to evade them by going off the road. This was prevented by the free-state men spreading out.

Jones demanded what was the matter, to which the free-state men replied that was just what they wanted to know. The free-state men told Branson to ride over to them, which he did; both sides declared that they would shoot but neither did. Jones tried in every way to induce the free-state men to give Branson up, but this they refused to do. Finding that nothing availed but to fight, and not being willing to shed blood, Jones was obliged to leave Branson in the hands of his friends and returned to Franklin.

The numerical strength of the contestants in this bloodless encounter was about equal, as it is estimated that there were about fifteen men on each side.

Later in the night the rescuing party having been augmented by a few men, rode into Lawrence, where they told of the threats Jones had made against the Abolitionists of Lawrence.

The arrest of Branson was both violent and irregular and it is doubtful whether any legal officer would have sustained the arrest had the rescue been questioned.

There were only three Lawrence men concerned in the rescue, and Charles Robinson saw that it would not do for the city to take any action in the rescue or harbor the rescuers.

A meeting of the citizens of Lawrence was called and Mrs. Robinson in writing of it said, "Mr. Branson said at the meeting that he had requested to leave Lawrence, that no semblance of an excuse existed for the enemy to attack the town, with tears streaming down his weather-beaten cheeks he offered to go home and die there and he buried by his friend." To this the free-state citizens would not hear but after the Wakarusa camp was established, Tappan, Wood and Branson moved there as a precautionary measure, as Wood had taken such a prominent part in the rescue.

Pages 230-232 from volume I of Kansas: a cyclopedia of state history, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc. ... / with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence. Standard Pub. Co. Chicago : 1912. 3 v. in 4. : front., ill., ports.; 28 cm. Vols. I-II edited by Frank W. Blackmar. Transcribed May 2002 by Carolyn Ward.

Transcribed from volume II of Kansas: a cyclopedia of state history, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc. ... / with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence. Standard Pub. Co. Chicago : 1912. 3 v. in 4. : front., ill., ports.; 28 cm. Vols. I-II edited by Frank W. Blackmar. Transcribed July 2002 by Carolyn Ward.

Wakarusa War.—During the summer and fall of 1855, excitement ran high in Kansas on account of the struggle between the free-state and pro-slavery parties. Several events occurred which made strife between men of opposing political interests more bitter. Charles W. Dow, a free-state man, was shot by Franklin N. Coleman, a pro-slavery leader of Hickory Point (q. v.) in a dispute over a claim. This occurred on Nov. 21, 1855, and was the beginning of a series of difficulties which led to the Wakarusa war. The culminating event was the rescue by free-state men of Jacob Branson, with whom Dow had lived, after his arrest by Samuel J. Jones, sheriff of Douglas county. Jones at once started for Franklin with his posse, and sent a dispatch to his father-in-law, Col. Boone, at Westport, Mo., asking for aid to recapture Branson. Word was also sent to Gov. Shannon at the Shawnee Mission, for 3,000 men to put down the rebellion at Lawrence. There are people who believe that the whole affair was planned as a trap to catch the free-state men and to serve as an excuse for the destruction of Lawrence.

Without ascertaining the actual condition of affairs, the governor issued a proclamation calling out the militia of Kansas—which really meant the ruffians of Missouri—to put down the rebellion at Lawrence. The people of Missouri were ready and were not long in responding to the call. Holloway, in his History of Kansas, says, "For two or three counties back from the western line of Missouri, troops were sent fully equipped and expecting to fight." In three days some 1,500 had rushed across the border and were confronting Lawrence. Said Gov. Shannon: "Missouri sent not only her young men, but her gray-haired citizens were there. The man of seventy winters stood shoulder to shoulder with the youth of sixteen. There were volunteers in that camp and with them were not only their sons, but their grandsons to join in the fray." The main camp of the besiegers was near Franklin, about 3 miles southeast of Lawrence, and the other wing was in position near Lecompton, under command of Strickler and Richardson.

In Lawrence preparations for defense were going on. As soon as it was learned that a force was gathering on the Wakarusa, all those concerned with the rescue of Branson were requested to leave Lawrence. This was done to show that the town had taken no part in the rescue. A committee of safety was appointed which organized the citizens into guards of 15 or 20 men in a squad, by enrolling them and taking their residence, so that they could be called out at any moment. In this way they were enabled to pursue their business and still be ready to take up arms at a signal.

The news of the threatened invasion and the intention to destroy Lawrence spread rapidly through the territory, with the result that the free-state men rushed to the aid of the besieged, until there were probably 800 men armed and equipped for defense in the town. The committee of safety appointed Dr. Charles Robinson commander-in-chief of all the forces, with Col. J. H. Lane second in command. Lyman Allen commanded the Lawrence Stubbs; Samuel Walker, the company from Bloomington; Maj. Abbott, the Wakarusa company; a man named Shore, the Ottawa Creek company; McWheeney, the company from Palmyra; and the Pottawatomie company was under the command of John Brown, who arrived with his four sons, arms and ammunition just as the treaty of peace was about to be signed.

Every house was filled with soldiers and the free-state hotel was used as a barracks. Five redoubts were built, which commanded every approach to the city. The largest was erected on Massachusetts street near the crossing of Pinckney. It was circular, made of hewn timber, against which an earth embankment was thrown up about 5 feet high and 4 feet wide at the top, while surrounding it was a deep intrenchment. It was designed as a retreat for the women and children in case of an attack. The second line of works was on Massachusetts street, consisting of three rude forts in a line across Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island streets coinciding to that of Henry street. The third was a circular redoubt built on an elevation a little north of Henry street between Massachusetts and New Hampshire streets. The fourth was south of the fort on Henry street and was built to repulse an attack from Mount Oread, should one be made from that direction. The fifth was on Kentucky street, commanding an entrance from a ravine on the west. A cannon which had been sent to Kansas City was also smuggled into the besieged town.

The siege was really commenced on Saturday, Dec. 1, and lasted about a week. The forces on both sides were prepared for war. The defenders spent much time in drilling and strengthening their position, while the invaders waited the command of Sheriff Jones to move upon Lawrence. The Sharp's rifles that had been shipped to Lawrence from New England became of immense value at this time, as the fear of them kept the enemy from a sudden attack. Blackmar, in his Life of Charles Robinson, says: "It was a strange spectacle, almost a comedy had it not been so near a tragedy, and in any case was certainly a travesty on free government, for the United States Senator Atchison to be commanding this singular horde, while Gov. Shannon was hurrying other commands to the scene of war. There was no excuse for it all. The rescuers of Branson had left the town, and there was not a day in which Jones might not go through Lawrence unmolested in doing his duty. He actually did go to the town and return without being disturbed. Gov. Shannon became alarmed first for the safety of the attacking Missourians, and second for the safety of Lawrence. He sent to Col. Sumner, at Leavenworth, for United States troops, but Sumner would not come without orders from "Washington."

From the surrounding towns Lawrence continued to receive reinforcements, who were usually surprised to find that the inhabitants were strictly on the defensive instead of the aggressive as reported by the pro-slavery men.

Finally the citizens sent a delegation to the governor to acquaint him with the true situation. Being incredulous, he was persuaded to go to Lawrence to see for himself, and upon his arrival was amazed at the situation. The besiegers and besieged were brought into conference by him.

The governor, Col. Boone, of Westport, Mo., Col. Kearney, of Independence. Mo., and Gen. Strickler, of Kansas, were duly conducted to Lawrence and to the rooms of the committee of safety in the Free-State hotel. Dr. Robinson and Col. Lane conducted the negotiations on the part of the free-state men, as members of the committee of safety, and after both sides of the question had been discussed, the governor suggested that a treaty be drawn up and signed by the leaders, which was done.

Blackmar, in his Life of Charles Robinson, says "it was an excellent way out of a dilemma, but here was another scene in the drama of spectacular government; the town of Lawrence in rebellion, treating with the Kansas militia, the latter commanded by officers living in Missouri."

The good will of the people of Lawrence and their genuine desire to settle the war was shown by the treaty. After it was signed Robinson and Lane accompanied the governor to the camp of the militia, where Gov. Shannon persuaded them to accept the treaty and withdraw. This was not easily accomplished, but the Missourians finally started for home.

Pages 855-857 from volume II of Kansas: a cyclopedia of state history, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc. ... / with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence. Standard Pub. Co. Chicago : 1912. 3 v. in 4. : front., ill., ports.; 28 cm. Vols. I-II edited by Frank W. Blackmar. Transcribed July 2002 by Carolyn Ward.

Jacob Branson and other Free-State men became angry when the Pro-slavery authorities took no action when Charles W. Dow was killed by Franklin N. Coleman, a Pro-slavery man, in late 1855. Branson made threats against Coleman. A Pro-slavery posse headed by Sheriff Jones arrested Branson at his home, but a group of Free-State men rescued Branson near the Wakarusa River south of Lawrence.

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